Newtonian Mechanics – Formula to Determine Acceleration Based on Constant Energy Input


I'm a software engineer building a simulator for train movement. What I would like to do is create an acceleration curve that's closer to reality.

This is my thinking, which includes some simplifications and may have errors in it: Engines have a power rating, for instance 1000 watts. Assuming 100% of that power is applied to acceleration, at first the vehicle accelerates quickly. But, overtime the vehicle accelerates less rapidly. My leap of logic is that this is related to the vehicle gaining kinetic energy. Apply a certain amount of work when kinetic energy is low and acceleration is high. Apply the same amount of work at high kinetic energy and acceleration is low. That's my starting hypothesis.

My first physics teacher emphasized keeping your units correct. And I've been looking at various questions and answers on the relationship between kinetic energy and acceleration. The basic equation for force is:


Substituting units $\mathrm{m=kg}$, $\mathrm{a=\frac{m}{s^2}}$, which makes the units for $\mathrm{F}$ to be $\mathrm{\frac{kgm}{s^2}}$.

The ConvertUnits web site says watts can be converted to

(Kg-force m) / s

,which if applied over time has the same units as the $\mathrm{F}$ in the $\mathrm{F=ma}$. What I'm having a hard time is making the leap to include the effect of kinetic energy.

Hoping someone can at least point in the right direction.

Best Answer

I'm interpreting your question as you wanting to know the resultent velocity for an object of mass $m$ and initial velocity $v_0$ being accelerated in the direction of its velocity by a constant source of energy inputting at a constant rate $P$, the 'power'.

Since the power is the rate of change of energy, in this case kinetic energy, we have $$ P=\frac{dE} {dt} = \frac{1} {2} m \frac{dv^2} {dt} = m v \frac{dv} {dt} $$ thus $$ \int \frac{P} {m} dt = \int v dv $$ and $$ \frac{Pt} {m} = \frac{v^2} {2} +const $$

Applying the inital condition to find the constant, get that $$ v=\sqrt{v_0 + \frac{2Pt} {m}} $$

Does that help?