[Physics] Formula of escape velocity


While establishing relation of escape velocity and radius , I confronted a problem .

(i) $$v_e=\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{R}}$$

This states that $v_e$ is inversely proportional to the square root of radius .

(i) $$v_e=\sqrt{2gR}$$

This states that $v_e$ is directly proportional to the square root of radius .

Whoch one’s correct?

Best Answer

The problem is solved when you realize that $g$ in your second formula is a function of $R$: if

$$F = \frac{GMm}{r^2}$$

is rewritten as

$$F = mg$$

Then it follows that

$$g = \frac{GM}{r^2}$$

When you substitute that in your second equation, you get the first...