Kinematics – Simple Proof for Centripetal Acceleration Without Using Calculus


I teach physics to 16-year-old students who do not know calculus and the derivates. When I explain the formula for centripetal acceleration in circular uniform motion, I use this picture:

enter image description here


$$\vec{a}_{\text{av}}=\frac{\Delta \vec{v}}{\Delta t}=\frac{\vec{v}_2-\vec{v}_1}{\Delta t}$$


$$\vec{v}_1=(v\cos\phi){\bf \hat x}+(v\sin\phi){\bf \hat y}, \quad \vec{v}_2=(v\cos\phi){\bf \hat x}+(-v\sin\phi){\bf \hat y}.$$

Combining these equations gives

$$\vec{a}_{\text{av}}=\frac{\Delta \vec{v}}{\Delta t}=\frac{-2v\sin\phi}{\Delta t}{\bf \hat y}, \tag 1$$

which shows that the average acceleration is towards the center of the circle.
Using $\Delta t=d/v=2r\phi/v$, where $d$ is the distance along the curve between points $1$ and $2$, gives

$$\vec{a}_{\text{av}}=-\frac{v^2}{r}\left(\frac{\sin \phi}{\phi}\right){\bf \hat y}.$$
As $\phi\to 0$, $\sin \phi/\phi\to 1$, so

$$\vec{a}_{\text{cp}}=-\frac{v^2}{r}{\bf \hat y}, \tag 2$$

which shows that the centripetal acceleration is towards the center of the circle.

Does there exist another simple proof of Equation $(2)$, in particular, that the centripetal acceleration is towards the center of the circle?

Best Answer

With no calculus, and for only uniform circular motion: consider the figure below.

enter image description here

On the left, we see the position vector $\vec{r}$ sweep out a circle of radius $r$, and the velocity vector $\vec{v}$ moving around with it. The tip of the position vector travels the circumference of the left-hand circle, which is $2 \pi r$, in one period $T$. Thus, $v = 2 \pi r / T$.

Now, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, just as velocity is the rate of change of position. If we take all the velocity vectors from the left-hand diagram and re-draw them at a common origin, we see that the velocity vector must also sweep out a circle of radius $v$. The tip of the velocity vector travels the circumference of the right-hand circle, which is $2 \pi v$, in one period $T$. The acceleration vector, being "the velocity of the velocity", must by analogy have magnitude $a = 2 \pi v / T$. Thus, $$ \frac{a}{v} = \frac{2 \pi}{T} = \frac{v}{r} \quad \Rightarrow \quad a = \frac{v^2}{R}. $$ We can also see from the diagram that at any time, $\vec{a}$ is directly opposite the direction of $\vec{r}$, i.e., directly towards the center of the circle.

Credit goes to my Grade 11 physics teacher, Mr. Imhoff, who showed me this trick over 20 years ago.

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