[Physics] Formal Definition of Dot Product

coordinate systemslinear algebravectors

In most textbooks, dot product between two vectors is defined as:

$$\langle x_1,x_2,x_3\rangle \cdot \langle y_1,y_2,y_3\rangle = x_1 y_1 + x_2 y_2 + x_3 y _3$$

I understand how this definition works most of the time. However, in this definition, there is no reference to coordinate system (i.e. no basis is included for the vector components). So, if I had two vectors in two different coordinate systems:

$$x_1 \vec{e_1} + x_2 \vec{e_2} + x_3 \vec{e_3}$$
$$y_1 \vec{e_1'} + y_2 \vec{e_2'} + y_3 \vec{e_3'}$$

How, would I compute their dot product? In particular, is there a more formal/abstract/generalized definition of the dot product (that would allow me to compute $\vec{e_1} \cdot \vec{e_1'}$ without converting the vectors to the same coordinate system)? Even if I did convert the vectors to the same coordinate system, why do we know that the result will be the same if I multiply the components in the primed system versus in the unprimed system?

Best Answer

Your top-line question can be answered at many levels. Setting aside issues of forms and covariant/contravariant, the answer is:

The dot product is the product of the magnitudes of the two vectors, times the cosine of the angle between them.

No matter what basis you compute that in, you have to get the same answer because it's a physical quantity.

The usual "sum of products of orthonormal components" is then a convenient computational approach, but as you've seen it's not the only way to compute them.

The dot product's properties includes linear, commutative, distributive, etc. So when you expand the dot product

$$(a_x \hat{x}+a_y \hat{y} + a_z \hat{z}) \cdot (b_x \hat{X}+b_y \hat{Y} + b_z \hat{Z})$$

you get nine terms like $( a_x b_x \hat{x}\cdot\hat{X}) + (a_x b_y \hat{x}\cdot\hat{Y})+$ etc. In the usual orthonormal basis, the same-axis $\hat{x}\cdot\hat{X}$ factors just become 1, while the different-axis $\hat{x}\cdot\hat{Y}$ et al factors are zero. That reduces to the formula you know.

In a non-orthonormal basis, you have to figure out what those basis products are. To do that, you refer back to the definition: The product of the size of each, times the cosine of the angle between. Once you have all of those, you're again all set to compute. It just looks a bit more complicated...

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