[Physics] Flux and flux linkage through a solenoid


If there is a solenoid of length L , radius R, number of turns N immersed in uniform magnetic field B with axis of the solenoid being parallel to the field, then what will be the flux linkage and the flux through the solenoid ?
I am a bit confused with the terms , I think the flux through the solenoid should be BN(pi)(R^2) . But then my book says that the magnetic flux through the solenoid is B(pi)(R^2) and the flux linkage is N times the flux through the solenoid .The book is saying that the flux through the solenoid is B(pi)(R^2) not BN(pi)(R^2) . Please could you help me clarify this what is the flux through the solenoid and what is the flux linkage ?

Best Answer

You might be confused because the flux through one solenoid coil is $BA$, where $B$ is the magnetic field and $A$ is the area, so if you stack a bunch of coils then it should be $N*BA$.

However, this is not the case. What magnetic flux concerns itself with is how much magnetic field passes through the coil. Think of it this way:

Consider a hose that is running. We will let water be the magnetic field in our example. Now, I put a ring with the same radius as the opening of the hose, and I ask what is the flux of water, that is how much water is passing through the ring? Let's say it's a certain amount W. Now, to the first ring I add a few more rings, like a solenoid, and I ask, how much flux of water is passing through it? It's going to be W, since adding more rings does not increase how much water is passing though, and analogously, this is what magnetic flux is quantifying -- how much magnetic field is passing through.

What magnetic flux linkage is quantifying is, in a sense, how much the total impact the magnetic field has on the coils, that is, if the magnetic field is passing through $N$ coils, the effect of the field is multiplied $N$ times, and that's why we quantify it as, in this example, $N*BA$.

I hope that you do revisit the definitions after reading the analogies. They tell you what is and what isn't. The analogies can only go so far as to describing the physical quantity in question.