[Physics] Fine structure Hamiltonian from Dirac equation

dirac-equationhydrogenhyperfine-structurequantum mechanics

The Hamiltonian for fine structure (the atom with $\text{Z}$ protons and with electron interaction terms included) is
$$H=\frac{\text{Z}^2}{ r}+\underbrace{\frac{p^2}{m}+\frac{p^4}{m^3}}_{\text{kinetic}}+\underbrace{\frac{\text{Z} \ L\cdot S}{r^3}}_{\text{spin-orbit}}+\underbrace{\frac{\text{Z}}{m^2}\delta(r)}_{\text{Darwin term}}$$
modulo constants in from of each summand.

Apparently there is a derivation of this using the Dirac equation. Could anyone give a link to this?

Best Answer

You can find the complete derivation in ref.1, by using the Dirac equation. You may want to complement it by having a look at ref.2. first, where the Dirac equation is derived from the principles of quantum electrodynamics (which is a more fundamental theory), thus obtaining a more complete picture.

Sketch: ref.2. takes the QED Lagrangian, with operator $\hat\psi(x)$, and derives the Dirac equation for the field $\psi_n(x):=\langle 0|\hat\psi(x)|n\rangle$, where $|n\rangle$ is a complete set of state-vectors and $|0\rangle$ is a vacuum state. Given the Dirac equation for $\psi_n(x)$, ref.1. performs the so-called Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, and then takes the non-relativistic limit, thus obtaining the first-order corrected Schrödinger equation. All in all, refs.1,2 provide a first-principles derivation of the Hamiltonian OP is after (up to factors of $Z$, which are easy to reintroduce).


  1. Itzykson and Zuber, QFT, §2-2-4.

  2. Weinberg, QFT, Vol.I, §14.1.

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