[Physics] Finding the period of an anharmonic oscillation by substituting the solution for SHM


I came across the problem below, and I am confused about the solution provided.

The solution method is to substitute the result for SHM into an equation which is not harmonic, and rearrange to find how period depends on amplitude. An intermediate result is that $\omega=\sqrt{3kx/m}$. If angular frequency $\omega$ is a function of the distance $x$ from mean position then how can the motion be simple harmonic? Moreover, how is the differential equation #2 for SHM satisfied by the force in eqn #1?

The method does not seem to be valid. Nevertheless, it gives the correct answer for all potentials of the form $V=k|x|^n$ (A in this case).

If this method is valid, what is the justification for it?

My question is not a duplicate of that suggested by Qmechanic, viz. Non-SHM oscillatory motion. Although both questions are based on exactly the same problem, I am asking about the validity of the method used in the image below.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your doubts about the solution given are justified. The method of solution seems to be invalid and misguided - but see my footnote. However, the correct answer choice is still (A).

If the potential energy is $V=k|x|^3$ then (as you observe) the motion is not simple harmonic and cannot be described by $x=A\sin(\omega t)$. The differential equation of motion is
$$m\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}+3kx^2=0$$ which is not of the form $$\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}+\omega^2 x=0\,.$$

The equation of motion does not have a simple solution. However, we can proceed as in Period $T$ of oscillation with cubic force function. We can write the conservation of energy for the oscillator as
\begin{align}\frac12m\dot x^2+k|x|^3 &=ka^3\\ \implies~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \dot x^2 &=\frac{2k}{m}\left(a^3-|x|^3\right)\end{align}

where $a$ is the amplitude. Change variables to $x=ay$. Then :
\begin{align}a^2\dot y^2 &=\frac{2k}{m}a^3\left(1-|y|^3\right)\\\implies ~ \frac{dy}{dt} &=\sqrt{\frac{2k}{m}a\left(1-|y|^3\right)}\,.\end{align}

The oscillation is symmetric about the equilibrium point, so the period is given by
$$T=\int dt=4\sqrt{\frac{m}{2ka}}\int_0^1 \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-y^3}}~dy\,.$$
Contrary to appearances, the integral is finite and has a value of approx. 1.40218.

So the period is proportional to $\frac{1}{\sqrt{a}}$ and the answer is (A), but not for the reason given in the solution.

Note : The method of solution in the image text does actually give the correct dependence of $T$ on amplitude $a$ for any potential of the form $k|x|^n$. So perhaps there is some justification for it.