[Physics] Finding the maximum of the radial probability density in the hydrogen atom

atomshydrogenquantum mechanics

I have a question about a task I am supposed to solve :

A hydrogen atom is in the ground state, with the radial part of the wave function equal to $R (r) _{n,l}=2 \space r_{B}^{-3/2}e^{\frac {-r}{r_{B}}}$. At which distance (from the nucleus) is the radial-probability density highest?

Here the H atom wave function is $\psi (r,\theta,\phi)=Y_{ml}(\theta,\phi)\, R (r) _{n,l}$ and $r_B =0.0528 \:\rm nm$.

My understanding:

The radial-probability density equals $(R (r) _{n,l})^2=4 \, r_{B}^{-3}e^{\frac {-2 \space r}{r_{b}}}$ and, because $r\in [0,\infty]$, the maximum should be at $r=0$? The textbook says it's at $r_B$.

Best Answer

The radial probability density distribution is not given by your formula but by:

$$4\pi r^2R^2(r)_{n,l}$$

Source and explanation.

So the probability density at $r=0$ is in fact zero.

See for example for the $1s$ orbital.