[Physics] Finding power with Drag Force equation

dragfluid dynamicshomework-and-exercisespower

The mass of the car is 1500 kg. The shape of the body is such that its aerodynamic drag coefficient is $C_D=0.330$ and the frontal area is $2.50 m^2$. Assuming that the drag force is proportional to $v^2$ and neglecting other sources of friction, calculate the power required to maintain a speed of $100 km/h$ as the car climbs a long hill sloping is $3.20^\circ$.
Use the formula:
where $\rho_{air}=1.2kg/m^3$

I don't know how to incorporate power into the formula. I get that $F_d$ is proportional to $v^2$ so am I able to cancel them out?

Best Answer

Power is defined as $P = F \cdot v$ where $F$ is the driving force and $v$ is the velocity of the moving object. In this case, determine the values of both $F$ and $v$, and use this to calculate the power.

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