[Physics] Field Vectors and satisfying Maxwell’s equations


If I have an electric field that its direction is parallel to the direction of the wave propagation, it will not satisfy Gauss's law for vacuum. However we can say it satisfies Gauss's law for non-zero charge density (mathematically).
For this case:

  1. Does that mean this electric field is practically feasible for an EM wave (for non-zero charge densities)?

  2. Will the other 3 laws of Maxwell be violated?

Furthermore, If the direction of the wave propagation is perpendicular to the direction of the electric field, does this guarantee that the field vector satisfy all Maxwell's equation?

Best Answer

By definition, an electromagnetic wave is a solution to Maxwell's equations in vacuum. The electric field of a EM wave solution is always perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Let me denote this electric field by $\vec{E}_{EM}$. If $\vec{v}$ is the velocity of the wave, then we must have $\vec{E}_{EM} \cdot \vec{v} = 0 $.

However, Maxwell's equations are linear equations and in particular allow for superposition of solutions. By cleverly choosing sources, it seems entirely likely that we can construct an electric field generated by the source $\vec{E}_{source}$ in such a way that the total electric field $\vec{E}_T = \vec{E}_{EM} + \vec{E}_{source}$ is parallel to $\vec{v}$.

Further, due to the superposition princpiple, if $\vec{E}_{EM}$ and $\vec{E}_{source}$ satisfy Maxwell's equations then so does $\vec{E}_T$.

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