[Physics] Field inside a wire


This answer gives a great explanation of why the field inside a wire connected to a battery must be equal at all points: Why doesn't the electric field inside a wire in a circuit fall off with distance from the battery?

The answer uses the concept of surface charge buildup to show why the field has to be equal at all points and why it must be perpendicular to the wire.

However, there are a lot of ways a field could exist in a wire that is not perpendicular to the wire, but would not cause surface charge buildup:

For example these fields:

enter image description here

could exist instead of:

enter image description here

and there would still be no surface charge build up.

So my questions are:

1) Can these "exotic" fields exist"?

2) If not, why not?

3) If these exotic field exist, how would current be defined in the wire? Since the electrons are not flowing perpendicular to the wire, would current be defined as the component of the movement of the electrons perpendicular to the wire or just the entire movement of the electrons?

4) The image below is a resistor. The "lines" represent the current direction and density ("the current density streamlines") . The "gray objects" represent wires through which a voltage difference is applied. If the electric field is always parallel to the surface how can the current lines be at an angle in the first resistor?

enter image description here


Please address all my questions separately. Thank you.


Best Answer

Remember that all electric fields are ultimately created by electric charge. If you wanted to create those exotic field configurations, you must have a non-uniform charge buildup. If you could arrange electrons on the surface and in the volume to create that field configurations, they would quickly spread themselves throughout the conductor by their own electrostatic repulsion to create the standard uniform electric field depicted in textbooks.

Also note that the "field configurations" that you have drawn are somewhat ambiguous depictions of a vector field that is defined at each point in space. Textbooks draw straight arrows like the one you drew for the correct configurations to mean that every point inside the conductor has the same uniform electric field. In your three exotic examples, it's unclear how you define the field where you don't have arrows or where the arrows overlap.

To answer your fourth question about the wire in the resistor, the electric field is always perpendicular to the surface of a conductor. If you did have a component of the electric field parallel to the surface, that would cause charge to flow into a different configuration to cancel that parallel component. The lines do appear to be at an angle to the wire in figure (a), but if you were to zoom in on the actual field configuration (not an illustration from an artist), you would see that the field is indeed perpendicular to the surface of the conductor.

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