[Physics] Feynman diagram for pair production in matter


I'm aware that electron pair-production from a single photon requires the presence of matter — say some large nucleus — able to absorb momentum, as in the process
N \gamma \rightarrow N e^- e^+
where $N$ represents the nucleus. My question is, how would one represent this process with a Feynman diagram? I'm having trouble constructing one with valid vertices that makes sense. Would the neutron interact with the photon? With the electron-positron pair? Both? Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You have a photon that comes in and splits into $e^-e^+$. One of the electrons escapes, the other has a short segment, where it sheds another photon. The second electron now escapes and the photon is absorbed by the nucleus. The center electron segment and the second photon can be off the mass shell.