[Physics] Feynman couldn’t explain how the photon becomes instantaneously aware of the glass thickness. Do we have a better understanding now


I remember reading in Richard Feynman's QED about this unknown physics mechanism which possibly involves information propagating instantly and it blew my mind:

The probability of photon to reflect or refract on a slide of glass depends on the thickness of the slide. Feynman said that we don't know how the photon is "aware" of the thickness of the slide when it interacts with its side. The information about the thickness of the slide would have to "travel" from the other side of the glass to the side the photon interacts with and this appears to be instantaneous. (*)

Other quantum processes like quantum tunneling have been shown to not actually break the speed of light so I was wondering if we have a better understanding of this physics process now.

*) I read QED a while ago and I don't currently have a copy of it, so I hope I remember correctly. I know the electron is modeled as a wave until it is measured, so I am pretty sude I have misused some terminology like "photon interacting with the side of the slide". Please correct me. But this doesn't change the fact that Feynman couldn't explain the aparent instantaneous information travel, as far as I remember from his book.

Best Answer

Actually, the photon doesn't have to know the thickness. Moreover, if we speak of a wave with a well-defined "beginning", like e.g. $\psi(x,t)=\sin(\omega t-kx)\theta(\omega t-kx)$ (with $\theta$ being Heaviside function), incident on the glass, part of this wave will reflect as if the glass were semi-infinite. But then the reflection from the far side of the glass will come back to the near side and, after being transmitted through the near side, it will start interfering with the initial reflection from this side. After some traveling time, the secondary reflections will add up to the outgoing wave, and only in the long term would you get the final steady state with the reflectance being defined, as Feynman says, by the thickness of the glass.

By that time, the initial part of the reflected wave will have already travelled away. So, even if the reflectance, as calculated from the glass thickness, is exactly zero, you'll still get a pulse of light reflected before the process reaches steady state of no reflection.