Optics – Explanation of Ray Caustics in Electromagnetic Radiation and Geometric Optics


My understanding (now) of a real caustic is that it is envelope of curves or ray-paths that arise due to reflection or refraction from the medium/manifold.

My main question is, I am seeing the term "imaginary caustic" in literature (like here) and cannot find a straightforward answer on what an imaginary caustic is and when/where they arise. What are imaginary caustics?

Best Answer

In Wikipedia the caustic is defined as follows.

In optics, a caustic is the envelope of light rays reflected or refracted by a curved surface or object, or the projection of that envelope of rays on another surface.

You can think of the envelope of a family of curves as a curve that is a tangent to each of them.

Here is a diagram on page 60 of "A Treatise on Optics" by David Brewster published in 1831.

enter image description here

There is a source of light at $R$ and the rays are reflected a circular surface $MN$ although only the rays reflected from part $MB$ are shown.
The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection for each of the rays.
None of the rays meet the principal axis at the same point although those that hit the reflecting surface at positions $B, 1, 2$ and $3$ do so approximately and this is where the image of the object $R$ is formed.
The concave mirror is suffering from a mirror defect called spherical aberration.

Now if you look at all the rays in the upper half they define an area with no light and an area where there is light and in particular there is an envelope, shown in red at the bot one in the top half, which defines places where the rays are at a tangent - this is the caustic curve and here is a photograph of one although you may well see one very frequently in you cup of coffee or tea?

enter image description here

The caustic curve is particularly noticeable because it is brighter because there are more rays passing through that region then in other regions around the reflector.

In the diagram above one half of the imaginary caustic I have coloured blue.
This is obtained by moving the object to the other side of the reflector $MBN$ so that it is acting like a convex mirror. The reflected rays diverge but when back produced form the blue imaginary caustic $Nf'M$.

In recent years caustics have been used to find exoplanets.

enter image description here

A star and its orbiting plant act as a gravitational lens and form a caustic in a plane at right angled to the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun which is shown in blue in the left-hand diagram.
As the orbit of the Earth (shown in red) crosses the caustic the light intensity resulting from the caustic changes as shown in the graph of intensity against time.
Although the shape of the caustic is very complex that very complexity means that from the caustic information about the star and its exoplanet can be obtained.
The edX course "ASTRO2x Astrophysics: Exploring Exoplanets" is a good introduction to this effect and many others which are used to discover exoplanets and their properties.