[Physics] Explanation of Michelson Interferometer Fringe Shift


I have been working on an experiment where 2 glass microscope slides are pinched together at one end (so that there is a "wedge" of air between them) and placed in the path of a laser in one leg of a Michelson interferometer. When I move the glass slides (fractions of a mm at a time) so that the path of the laser is closer or further from the place where the slides are pinched, a fringe shift occurs. I cannot seem to explain why this is happening! Any help with explaining this phenomenon would be greatly appreciated! If any more specifics about the setup or dimensions of the slides are needed, please let me know.Also, a full "light to dark" fringe shift occured roughly every 4mm of moving the slides.experiment setup

Best Answer

This is speculating - but if your slides are of non-uniform thickness, or they are bent as a result of the pinching, they will present a different path length in one leg of the interferometer (and therefore give rise to a shift in the fringe pattern). This may become clear by looking at this diagram:

enter image description here

In the diagram on the left, the total path length is independent of the position of the ray - in all cases the light bends by the same amount as it interacts with the different surfaces. In the diagram on the right, the rays closer to the "pinch point" will traverse less glass than the ones that are further away (which intersect the glass at a greater angle). This means that the path length will change as you move the slides left to right.

It is not clear whether there is a spacer as part of your "wedge" (I imagine there must be one, but I can't see it in your photo). If there is, then the big clip you use will surely bend the slides; and a Michelson interferometer is very, very sensitive to path length differences...