[Physics] Even when the drift velocity of the electrons is very small, how is current in the circuit established immediately


So I have this question in my textbook and Ive also got it in my test. Ive written a wrong answer. My friend wrote the drift velocities of each particle add up and he got full marks. Is it right? Can you please explain. I have checked this answer elsewhere but they use terms such electromagnetic waves which is not yet thought to us. Could you please explain in simple terms?
Ok, this is the edited question. This was the answer of my teacher: $I=neAv_d$. Although $v_d$ is very small but $n$ the number density of electrons is very very large as compared to the drift velocity hence although the velocity of the electrons is very small to get to the other end instantly but they are so large in number that the current is established immediately. Is this the right definition?

Best Answer

It is like water in a hose. If the hose is full of water, water flows out the end immediately when you turn on the faucet. A drop of water at the faucet pushes a drop next to it, which pushes the next drop.

Water doesn't flow that fast. If the hose is empty, it takes a while to reach the end.