[Physics] Evaporative cooling in a tropical environment


I am an architect and am trying to understand the effects of evaporative cooling in a humid climate for buildings. I would like to use the example of a zeer pot for my question. I have read everywhere that evaporative cooling is not possible in a humid climate simply because humid ambient air is already approaching 100% saturation. Obviously when saturated air cannot take any more moisture – evaporation does not take place. I get that. However if humid air is heated then the saturation decreases quite a lot. For instance I remember looking at a chart that shows if air temperature is doubled then its ability to hold moisture increases about ten fold. In a tropical climate there is a lot of sun and heating air is easy. If air were heated to increase its moisture holding capacity and then passed over an extremely porous, moist surface will cooling take place or will the whole system gain heat? If a zeer pot for instance were placed inside a simple black metal chimney in the sun, open on the bottom and top, where humid air is heated and the heated air rises and passes over the pot will the pot cool or will it gain heat? Is there a formula (something I can understand) I can use to calculate heat gain and loss in this example? Roughly speaking is the concept of evaporative cooling possible in a humid climate if the humid air is heated?

Best Answer

I haven't gone through this carefully, but I believe the coldest temperature that can be achieved by a zeer pot is the wet-bulb temperature, which is equal to or higher than the dew point. Changing the temperature of saturated air changes its relative humidity, but not its dewpoint.

If you have a pot of water at the same temperature as air at 100% relative humidity, and you heat the air, I strongly suspect you will also heat the water.

It's a very interesting idea, though!

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