[Physics] Estimation of the internal electric field strength in the pn-junction


I would like to compare my result in an order of magnitude. So, How can I estimate the strength of the electric field in a typical Si PN-junction?

Best Answer

The maximum electric field develops near the depletion layer around the p-n interface. The maximum value, which occurs at $x=o$ (the interface) is given by the equation



$W$: is the width of the depletion layer,

$V_{bi}$: is the difference between the highest and lowest values of the bottom of C-B in the n-type, or the between the highest and lowest values of the top of the V_B in the p-type.

$T$: is the temperature of the semiconductor material

$V$: is the applied voltage

$k$: is Boltzmann’s constant

$e$: the electric charge on the electron

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