[Physics] Ergodicity in a Monte Carlo simulation

simulationsstatistical mechanics

Q1: What is the ergodicity and ergodicity breaking in a Monte Carlo simulation of a statistical physics problem?

Q2: How does one ensure that the ergodicity is maintained ?

Best Answer

To complete the answers already given, ergodicity in MC simulations is a practical problem and not a conceptual one contrary to the ergodicity property in physics. Normally, if you sample your phase space with a Markov chain, it is possible to show that whatever the initial trial distribution, your Markov chain will eventually sample the Gibbs distribution associated to the statistical ensemble you are interested in.

In practice however, your system can be trapped in local minima of the potential energy surface and be ergodic only within those minima (akin to what would really happen in a supercooled liquid). This is an obvious case of ergodicity breaking in the sense suggested by sebastian above.

This can be tested quite easily as your simulations will give different averages depending on the initial condition for instance.

There are many algorithms involving multicanonical sampling or parallel tempering just to name these two that can get rid of this issue.

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