[Physics] Equivalent definitions of primary fields in CFT

conformal-field-theorymathematical physicsquantum-field-theory

I have come across two similar definitions of primary fields in conformal field theory. Depending on what I am doing each definition has its own usefulness. I expect both definitions to be compatible but I can't seem to be able to show it. By compatible I mean definition 1 $\iff$ definition 2. I will write both definitions in the two-dimensional case and restricting to holomorphic transformations.

Def #1 from Francesco CFT: A field $f(z)$ is primary if it transforms as $f(z) \rightarrow g(\omega)=\left( \frac{d\omega}{dz}\right)^{-h}f(z)$ under an infinitesimal conformal transformation $z \rightarrow \omega(z)$.

Def #2 from Blumenhagen Intro to CFT: A field $f(z)$ is primary if it transforms as $f(z) \rightarrow g(z)=\left( \frac{d\omega}{dz}\right)^{h}f(\omega)$ under an infinitesimal conformal transformation $z \rightarrow \omega(z)$.

Can someone show me how they are indeed the same?

Best Answer

In the second definition, switch the two coordinate names "z" and "w" with each other, and remember that

$$ {dz\over dw} = ({dw\over dz})^{-1} $$

and then you see it's the same as the first.