[Physics] Equivalence between a charged rotating cylinder and a solenoid


Suppose we have a cylindrical shell of radius $r$ with surface charge density $\sigma$. Then we start rotating the cylinder at an angular speed $\Omega$. You can show that in this case the surface current density on the cylinder is $\sigma r \Omega$.

Similarly, in a solenoid with loop density $n$ and current $I$, the surface current density can be thought to be $nI$, so you can use this to "convert" between a rotating cylinder and a solenoid. For example, the magnetic field inside the cylindrical shell must be $\mu_0 \sigma r \Omega$, because for the solenoid it's $\mu_0 n I$.

I was wondering if you could establish another relation between the solenoid and the cylinder if the solenoid has a resistance $R$. Based on the analogy, I imagine the resistance must be connected to the cylinder's moment of inertia, but I can't quite figure it out.

Best Answer

If you use ampere's law, you will find that the magnetic field inside the rotating cylinder is uniform. With some fiddling, you will get that the magnetic field is equivalent to a solenoid with an infinite number of loops per length with a $\sigma r \Omega \mathrm{d}l$ current in each loop (a differential amount of current in each loop).