[Physics] Equidistant Equipotential Surfaces


I was reading my textbook where it is written that equipotential surfaces due to a point charge are not equidistant as electric field is non uniform and is inversely proportional to square of the distance from charge.

I do not understand this. What I understand is that equipotential surface is a surface where the potential is same all around (like 3V or 5V). How can we even comment on their separation? I mean, I can pick up any distance from the point charge and draw a sphere around it which will be equipotential surface, and then add dx to that sphere radius and then it'll be equipotential sphere again. Then how does equipotential surfaces space out as mentioned in my textbook? What does it mean? Can

What am I missing here?

Best Answer

You are correct that two equipotential surface are nothing as spaced out. At dx distance there will be another equipotential surface.

I think your textbook must be saying that the distance between potential surfaces differing by same potential is not constant.

Like the distance between surface of 2V and 4V will not be same as that between 4V and 6V.

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