[Physics] Equations of motion for double spherical pendulum simply


I am attempting to simulate a double spherical pendulum, i.e. a combination of the spherical pendulum and the double pendulum.

I understand that the equations of motion can be derived via the Lagrangian and the Euler-Lagrange equations. However this method rapidly becomes very messy.

Is there an alternate method that could be used to simplify the calculations required?


This is an update to specify the Lagrangian of the system as requested in the comments.

We have two spherical pendulums, denoted $1$ and $2$. The lengths of each pendulum $l_1=l_2=1$ whilst the masses $m_1=m_2=1$.

There are two parameters that describe the location of the pendulum mass $\theta$, the angle from the vertical, and $\phi$ the azimuthal angle about the vertical axis. For a diagram see here.

The locations of the masses $r_1 , r_2$ are therefore given by (for a vertical $z$ axis):
$$x_1 = sin(\theta_1)cos(\phi_1)$$
$$y_1 = sin(\theta_1)sin(\phi_1)$$
$$z_1 = -cos(\theta_1)$$


$$x_2 = x_1+sin(\theta_2)cos(\phi_2)$$
$$y_2 = y_1+sin(\theta_2)sin(\phi_2)$$
$$z_2 = z_1-cos(\theta_2)$$

The Lagrangian is given by the difference between the kinetic and potential energies $L = E_k -E_p$

$$E_k = \frac{1}{2} \left( \dot{r}_1^2 +\dot{r}_2^2 \right)$$
$$E_p = g (z_1 +z_2)$$

The Lagrangian then follows simply from taking the time derivatives of $r_1$ and $r_2$. (Note that this leads me to a very long and complicated form the Lagrangian)

Best Answer

Not that I know of. However if you're fine with considering only small oscillations, then you can replace $\sin \theta$ by $\theta$ and $\cos \theta$ by $1-\frac{\theta^2}{2}$. This might make things simpler although the solution you get will be acceptable for small angles.