Entropy – Is Entropy Change at Constant Temperature the Amount of Lost Heat?


The thernodynamic definition for.entropy change is only valid for constant temperature. But when we heat up something and its temperature does not rise what happens then to the added heat. If we assume that the system has a infinitely high heat capacity then the heat added must be do something. But what? Or is it “hidden“ in the gazillion microstates and too small to create a measurable change in the average kinetic energy?

Best Answer

The thermodynamic definition for.entropy change is only valid for constant temperature.

That is not correct. A differential change in entropy is defined for a reversible transfer of heat as follows

$$ds=\frac{\delta q_{rev}}{T}$$

So the change in entropy between two equilibrium states 1-2 is

$$\Delta S_{12}=\int_1^2 \frac{\delta q_{rev}}{T}$$

Only if $T$ is a constant does it come out of the integral. But it does not have to be constant.

But when we heat up something and its temperature does not rise what happens then to the added heat.

In the absence of work, if the temperature does not change as a result of heat transfer it is because the heat capacity of the substance is very large compared to the amount of heat being transferred. The heat increases the internal energy of that something but not enough to be detected as a measurable temperature increase. We call this something a "thermal reservoir", and we call the heat transfer process an isothermal (constant temperature) process. For isothermal processes $T$ comes out of the above integral and the change in entropy is the heat transferred divided by the constant temperature.

If we assume that the system has a infinitely high heat capacity then the heat added must be do something. But what? Or is it “hidden“ in the gazillion microstates and too small to create a measurable change in the average kinetic energy?

The heat capacity does not have to be "infinitely high". It just has to be high relative to the amount of heat being transferred. The relative heat capacity of a cup of water at room temperature to the heat capacity of a hot grain of sand is great enough that while dropping the grain of sand into the water increases the internal energy of the water, the change would not result in a measurable change its temperature. Yet the heat capacity of the cup of water is not "infinitely high".

Thanks I understand the part with the heat capacity now but I don`t understand why entropy change has a value and why it is defined like it is.

Entropy, and the second law, was defined like it is in order to account for the fact that heat can only flow naturally from a warmer to a cooler body, and never in the reverse direction. The new property and law was needed because the first law (conservation of energy) and the property of internal energy would not preclude heat from naturally flowing from the cooler to warmer body.

For a description of how the property came to be defined, see the following: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_entropy

If it is energy per kelvin lost to do useful work it would not make sense to me. If I transfer an amount of heat per Kelvin then this energy is now as internal energy in the system and I could use it. I am so confused. What does a value of entropy change tell me really?

First of all, entropy is not “energy per kelvin lost to do useful work”. It is entropy generated due to an irreversible process that results in less energy available for doing useful work. In going from equilibrium state 1 to 2 the total change in entropy of the system is

$$\Delta S_{tot}=S_{2}-S_{1}= S_{transferred}+S_{generated}$$

Since entropy is a system property, the total change in entropy between two states is the same for all paths (processes) between the states. For a reversible process, the entropy generated within the system is zero and the total entropy change is just the entropy transfer at the boundary with the surroundings. For an irreversible process additional entropy is generated within the system. It is the entropy generated within the system in an irreversible process that results in less energy to do useful work. The generated entropy internal to the system equals the total change in entropy minus the entropy transferred at the boundary.

An example for a reversible (Case 1) and irreversible (Case 2) isothermal process with the diagram below illustrates the how an irreversible process results in less work than a reversible process although the entropy change between the same two states is the same.

CASE 1: Reversible Isothermal Expansion

The process 1-2 in the diagram is a reversible isothermal expansion of an ideal gas (pV=constant).

For an ideal gas the change in internal energy depends only on temperature change. Since the temperature is constant, the change in internal energy between state 1 and 2 is zero. From the first law $Q=W$ and for one mole of gas we have


The total increase in entropy between states 1 and 2 is

$\Delta S=S_{2}-S_{1}= \frac{Q}{T}$

Where $Q$ is the heat added during the expansion and $T$ is the equilibrium temperature of the gas and the surroundings. Combining this with the previous equation for one mole of gas

$\Delta S=S_{2}-S_{1}=$ R ln$\frac{V_2}{V_{1}}$

So we see that for the reversible process the work done is the sum of the light and dark grey areas and equals the heat added.

CASE 2: Irreversible Isothermal Expansion

Process 1-1a-2 is represents an irreversible isothermal process connecting the same initial and final states. The process is carried out as follows:

At state 1 the gas is in equilibrium with the surroundings as was the case for the reversible process. However, instead of gradually lower the external pressure as was done in the reversible expansion, it is abruptly lowered from 1 to 1a to equal the final pressure. From 1a to state 2 the gas is allowed to expand irreversibly against constant external pressure $P_{2}$ and constant temperature $T$ (at the boundary between the system and surroundings) and allowed to re-equilibrate with the surroundings at point 2.

In going from 1 to 1a, because the pressure drop is sudden, there is no time for heat transfer to occur. Consequently for that part of the path $Q=0$.

The lack of heat transfer between 1 and 1a results in the lost opportunity to do work equal to the light grey area under the reversible expansion 1-2.

For the irreversible process with the ideal gas, the first law still applies between states 1 and 2, so the heat transfer at the boundary equals the work done, or


Which is the dark grey area.

The entropy transfer at the boundary is


So the entropy generated internal to the system is

$$S_{generated}=R ln \frac{V_2}{V_1}-\frac{P(V_{2}-V_{1})}{T}$$

Conclusion: Although the change in entropy from state 1 to state 2 is the same, less work is done by the irreversible expansion than the reversible expansion due to the entropy generated within the system during the irreversible process.

Hope this helps.

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