[Physics] Entropy and how it applies to everyday activities like eating food


So I was eating a plate of food one day and thought of entropy. As I understand the definition of entropy, it is the logarithm of the number of arrangements or states the object in question can be in, where the object is composed of N number of particles/food particles. Please edit my definition if this is wrong.

So, I'm eating a plate of food, and I have diced up chicken, rice and vegetables on the plate all mixed together. I thought, the current system I have, the food is arranged in a state that is of high entropy because this arrangement is common compared to the number of other more rare arrangements, ie 1/3 chicken, 1/3 vegetables, and 1/3 rice in an pie chart looking fashion.

I like to eat neatly, and naturally, I've conditioned myself to pick up the food with my fork such that while I pick up chicken and rice, rice falls off one side of my fork in a certain direction. As I eat, I sometimes end up with a more neater, higher entropy state than what I began with. I didn't spend extra energy making it neater, I just pick up my food in strategic ways because that's how I normally eat.

My question is, how is this possible? I end up with a more neat arrangement on my plate than I started with. I know food gets eaten, so the number of particles decreases with time. So because the number of food particles decreases, the number of arrangements also decrease!! Can someone continue my chain of thought and correct me if I'm wrong? What do I need to think of next? Why is it that it appears that the entropy of my plate of food seems to lower with time?

Best Answer

QEntanglement, the answer is simple.

Your plate of food is not a closed system. For the system to close you need the plate, and the whole of you. with your chewing and digestion. Entropy increases in closed systems. Otherwise, think about it, could DNA exist, and the whole caboodle of organic life? We are factories that defy entropy, until we die, because we are open systems.

In inorganic systems, crystals crystallizing out of a solution are highly ordered, but they are not a closed system. When the solution is considered to close the system, entropy increases.

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