Gravity – Exploring the Relationship Between Entropy and Gravity


Entropy, at an intuitive level, is often described as a general level of disorder within a system. For example, I have a gas in a container divided in two areas by a divider, the gas all on one side. I remove the divider and the gas will expand to the whole container, increasing its level of disorder.

Isn't gravity, then, reducing entropy?

If the universe were to slow down expansion (I know that's not true, just making a hypothesis) to eventually contract in a "big crush", the moment of switch from expansion to contraction, would we be starting to see a reduction in the entropy rather than an increase?

Let's assume, for the sake of an argument, that the mass of the universe is large enough that at some point in the future it will start contracting, until it will collapse into a big crunch. We know that entropy at the big bang was at its lowest, what happens to entropy when it starts contracting, will it the start going down, until it will again go to the same level it had at the big bang when it hits the big crush?

Best Answer

There are two issues to talk about: gravitation acting within the universe (star formation, solar systems, galaxies and things like that) and the cosmology of the whole universe.

The first is easier. When a cloud collapses by its own gravitation, the net entropy increases. Here is a quote from p.377 of "Thermodynamics, a complete undergraduate course" (Steane, OUP 2018)

"For low enough initial temperature, the self-gravitating cloud cannot be stable because when any given part of the whole cloud loses energy, that part gets hotter and shrinks, while another part gains energy, gets colder and expands. The temperature difference is now enhanced so the process continues. The net result is that the fluctuations in density or temperature in the cloud grow, and the whole process is called condensation. The parts that shrink lose entropy, while the parts that expand gain entropy, and there is a net entropy increase because, as usual, the direction of heat flow at any time is such as to guarantee this. There is no violation of the Second Law. On the contrary: the Second Law is fully obeyed, as it is in all of physics."

If you are puzzled by the statement "gains energy, gets colder" then you need to recall that there is potential energy involved as well.

Now let's turn to the larger cosmological issue which you asked about. Over the past fifty years from time to time there has arisen, in the theoretical physics community, claims along the lines that time would reverse if the universe were to re-contract, and so entropy would decrease. Such claims are based on attempts to think through what general relativity has to say about particle motion. However it is safe to say that those claims were never really established and most of the physics community has found them unconvincing. Certainly quantum field theory would not change if the cosmological scale factor got smaller rather than larger. All of physics would just carry on as before. So there is no good reason to think that entropy would decrease.

The conclusion of the above is that a big crunch would have high entropy not low entropy.

The early universe, by contrast, had low entropy. We can say this because all the processes we have figured out are entropy-increasing processes. Therefore the entropy at early times must have been smaller than it is now. And this is, furthermore, a strong statement: the entropy was very much smaller. To try to get an idea of what it means to say this, one can try to imagine the state-space of the cosmos. Then the statement is that the physical situation occupied, at early times, a tiny volume within this state-space. However I admit that I personally am not altogether sure of how one can be confident of ones reasoning here. The main message is that it is not true to say that the early state was merely amorphous; such statements ignore the great amount of structure residing in the configuration of the quantum fields at very early times, and later in the hot plasma. The very fact that the plasma was highly uniform (without being completely uniform) is the very thing that shows that its entropy was low. This seems surprising if you think of it as like an ideal gas, but owing to the self-gravitation that picture is very misleading.

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