[Physics] Energy transitions of 12.1eV electron


Here is part of the energy level diagram of hydrogen:

n=4 –> -0.85eV

n=3 –> -1.50eV

n=2 –> -3.40eV

n=1 –> -13.6eV

When an electron of energy 12.1eV collides with this atom, photons of
three different energies are emitted. Show on the diagram (with
arrows) the transitions responsible for these three photons.

I tried solving this problem by working out the difference of energies that would give 12.1eV. I noticed that -13.6-(-1.5)=12.1. However I wasn't able to progress from here and would appreciate any pointers/solutions. (Note: This isn't homework, it's from a worksheet I found online.)


Best Answer

Photons can be emitted when electrons change energy levels. You say that you have worked out where a 12.1 eV difference is. In an ordinary hydrogen atom, the electron will be in the $n_1$ state.

Now, what energy state will the electron be in if an ordinary hydrogen atom absorbs 12.1 eV of energy?

After absorbing that energy, the electron can lose energy and give off a photon. It must go to a lower energy state. What states are lower? Once it gets back to $n_1$ it stops losing energy.

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