[Physics] Energy transfer during perfectly elastic collision between bodies of same mass

collisionenergyforcesnewtonian-mechanicspotential energy

My question is similar to this one but it is for sure not a duplicate of it. I basically want to see the same scenario in terms of energy transfer.

What I know for sure is that bodies under collision get deformed and there is nothing like a perfectly rigid body.

Now if we consider a perfectly elastic collision between two identical bodies (in which one was at rest and the other moving towards it at a constant speed), we know that the two bodies are going to deform and thus the kinetic energy of the first body is going to be stored as elastic potential energy in both the bodies (since both get deformed) , but we also know that the first body comes at rest and the second body start moving with the same kinetic energy.

The main cause of my confusion is that I read in my book that when the two collides , the one at rest slowly gains speed and the moving one loses it. The point of maximum compression of the two bodies is the one when both the bodies gain same speed.

What happens after this point and why does the stored elastic potential energy of the moving body is transferred to the body at rest completely ?

Best Answer

I think I understand your question. How is it possible, that even though the first ball deforms and stores elastic energy during the collision, it suddenly ends up with no motion after. The short answer is that some elastic energy is temporarily stored in the left-most ball during the collision, but somehow during the collision, the combination of forces, compression and relative motion makes it so all this stored energy is finally transmitted to kinetic energy in the right-most ball. The quickest way to argue why it must be so is by assuming conservation of energy and momentum, as is typically done in any introductory mechanics course. However, it seems that you would like to "see" the process unfold during the process during the collision.

Let us model the balls as elastic springs obeying Hooke's law. Let $x_1,x_2$ be the positions, $v_1,v_2$ the velocities, $\Delta x_1, \Delta x_2$ the widths, and $m_1,m_2$ the masses of the left-most and right-most ball, respectively.

Initial setup

We assume the balls have equal size and spring constant so that the equilibrium length of both is $\Delta x_0$ and the spring constant is $k$. At the start of the collision, we set $x_1=0$ so that $x_2=\frac{\Delta x_0}{2} + \frac{\Delta x_0}{2}$ and the initial velocities are $v_1 = v_0$, $v_2=0$. During the collision the balls deform, store elastic energy, and exert a force on each other.

Forces during collision

Due to N3, the force $F_{21}$ exerted by ball 2 on ball 1 is equal to $-F_{12}$, where $F_{12}$ is the force exerted by ball $1$ on ball $2$. Since the forces are related to the deformation of the balls, we have

$$ F_{12} = -k_1 (\Delta x_1 - \Delta x_0) $$

$$ F_{21} = k_2 (\Delta x_2 -\Delta x_0) $$

Equating $F_{12} = -F_{21}$, we find

$$ k (\Delta x_1 - \Delta x_0) = k (\Delta x_2 -\Delta x_0) $$ $$ \Delta x_1 = \Delta x_2 \equiv \Delta x $$

Additionally, we have

$$ x_2-x_1 = \frac{\Delta x_1}{2} + \frac{\Delta x_2}{2} = \Delta x. $$

From N2, the equations of motion are

$$ a_1 = \frac{k}{m_1} (\Delta x_2 - \Delta x_0) = \frac{k}{m_1} (x_2-x_1 - \Delta x_0) $$ $$ a_2 = -\frac{k}{m_2} (\Delta x_2 - \Delta x_0) = -\frac{k}{m_2} (x_2-x_1 - \Delta x_0). $$

where $a_1, a_2$ are the accelerations of balls 1 and 2, respectively. I don't know if these equations can be solved analytically, but for the purposes of this post, I wrote a midpoint Euler script to solve them numerically. Below is the result from setting $k = 5 N/m$, $\Delta x_0=1 m$, $v_0=3 m/s$, $m_1 = m_2 = 1 kg$:

Result from equal masses

As we see from the third column (since $\Delta x_1 = \Delta x_2 = \Delta x = x_2-x_1$), both balls are compressed, and thus store elastic energy during the collision. The first ball does move during the collision and ends up at approximately $x_1\sim 0.6m$ after the collision. All the kinetic energy from the first ball is given onto the second, as seen in the middle figure. I made a simple animation of how it looks when two balls of equal mass collide.


The fact that the first ball comes to a complete stop is due to the masses being equal. If we increase the mass of the first ball to $m_1 = 2kg$ (keeping $m_2=1kg$), we get the following result

Result from m1 twice m2

where, as you can see, the both balls continue along after the collision. For completeness, if we double the mass of the second ball and keeping the first at its original mass, i.e., $m_1=1 kg$, $m_2=2kg$, we get the following:

Result from m2 twice m1

where the first ball hits the second and turns around.