[Physics] Energy of a wave and Planck formula

energyquantum mechanicswaves

Especially from this post I understand that the energy of a wave is directly proportional to the amplitude of that wave squared. Therefore, we can determine the total energy of a wave by summing the kinetic and potential energy which is briefly;
E=\Delta U+\Delta K=\frac12\omega^2y^2\,\mu\Delta x+\frac12v^2\,\mu \Delta x$$
where $y=A\sin\left(kx-\omega t\right)$ and $v=A\omega\cos(kx-\omega t)$

To this point I have understood the concept. However, Planck's formula confused me about how to determine the total energy of a light(EM) wave. Planck Formula also helps us to determine energy of an EM wave emission:
E=h \nu
where $h$ is Planck's constant and $\nu $ is the frequency of the wave. Thus, why doesn't Planck formula contain an element about amplitude of the wave if the energy is directly proportional to the amplitude squared? I know I am missing a fundamental knowledge here but I couldn't find a logical solution to that. Thus, I would be grateful if someone could help me on that.

Best Answer

The energy of an oscillator, as Planck defined, is quantized. It may be related to a harmonic oscillator, but it won't be simple to explain whose is the potential energy and the kinetic energy. We don't have here some sort of mass in some potential field, and the mass moves and has potential and kinetic energy. We have here the field itself and it is a thing that carries an energy of its own. So, the energy of the e.m. field is defined otherwise, not with potential and kinetic energy,

$ (\text I) \ H = \frac {1}{2} \int (\epsilon _0 |\vec E|^2 + \frac {1}{\mu _0} |\vec H|^2) \text d \vec r$.

where $H$ is the energy (the Hamiltonian). The vectors $\vec E$ and $\vec H$ also have an amplitude that oscillates in time.

Now, in the quantum theory, the fields $\vec E$ and $\vec H$, are replaced by the operators $\hat {\vec E}$ and $\hat {\vec H}$, (see D. F. Walls and G. J. Milburn, "Quantum Optics"). So, in the Hamiltonian $(\text I)$ the squared amplitudes $|\vec E|^2$ and $|\vec H|^2$ become operators. Next, to get the energy of the photon(s) in some state $|\psi\rangle$ of the e.m. field, we calculate the average of the Hamiltonian operator obtained, in that state. $ \langle \psi | \hat H|\psi \rangle$, and you will see that what we obtain is that the energy is given by Plank's formula.

I will show you a few steps of such a calculus.

a) In the classical electromagnetism $\vec E$ and $\vec B$ are obtained from the vector potential

$ (\text {II}) \hat E = - \frac {∂ \hat A}{∂t}, \ \ \ \hat B = \nabla \times \vec A .$

The same we do here, we define an operator vector potential

$ (\text {III}) \hat {\vec A(r,t)} = i \sum _k ( \frac {\hbar }{2 \omega _k \epsilon _0})^{1/2}[\hat a_k u_k(\vec r) e^{-i\omega _k t} + \hat a^{\dagger}_k u^*_k(\vec r) e^{i\omega _k t}]$,

where the index $k$ is for the $k$-th frequency (more exactly angular velocity) in the field, i.e. we number $\omega_1, \omega_2, ... \omega_k,...$; $C_k$ is a constant depending on $\omega_k$, and $a_k, a^{\dagger}_k$ are the annihilation and creation operators.

b) From $\hat {\vec A(r,t)} $ we calculate $\hat {\vec E}$ and $\hat {\vec B}$ applying the formulas in $ (\text {II})$. Then we take their absolute squares, i.e $\hat {\vec E}^{\dagger} \cdot \hat {\vec E}$ and $\hat {\vec B}^{\dagger} \cdot \hat {\vec B}$.

c) We introduce these vectors in the Hamiltonian, i.e.

$ (\text IV) \ \hat H = \frac {1}{2} \int (\epsilon _0 \hat {\vec E}^{\dagger} \hat {\vec E} + \frac {1}{\mu _0} \hat {\vec B}^{\dagger} \hat {\vec B} ) \text d \vec r$.

Performing the integral and applying different rules of the annihilation and creation operators, we get

$ (\text {V}) \ \hat H = \sum _k \hbar \omega _k (\hat a^{\dagger} \hat a + \frac{1}{2})$.

d) Now, as I said, we calculate the average for the state given for the e.m. field. Let's take a simple state, $|n\rangle$, which means that we have $n$ photons of the same frequency $\nu = \omega/2\pi$. We get the energy

$ (\text {VI}) \ \mathscr E = \langle \hat {H} \rangle = (n + \frac {1}{2})\hbar \omega$

in agreement with Planck's formula up to the term $\hbar \omega /2$ that I won't discuss here.