[Physics] Energy Conversion from Mass to Gravitational Wave


How is mass converted to gravitational wave energy by inspiralling binary black holes?

Is the gravitational wave energy coming purely from the kinetic energy/gravitational potential of the two black holes? Or does the merged black hole emit mass beyond that?

Best Answer

Let's start by noting an alpha particle (aka a Helium-4 nucleus, aka 2 protons and 2 neutrons) has a mass of less than the sum of 2 free protons and 2 free neutrons. The reason is that there is some binding energy that is released when the alpha particle is formed. Using $E=mc^2$, some of the mass of the original particles is released as energy when the bound alpha state forms. In equations, \begin{equation} 2 m_p + 2m_n = m_{\alpha} + E_B \end{equation} where $m_p$ is the proton mass, $m_n$ is the neutron mass, $m_{\alpha}$ is the mass of an alpha particle, and $E_B$ is the binding energy.

The same logic holds General Relativity. There are some technical points about how to define energy in GR, but for asymptotically spacetimes one can define the ADM mass, which is a measure of the energy of the entire spacetime and is conserved, and the Bondi mass, which can be used to measure the energy lost due to the emission of gravitational waves. The net result is that

\begin{equation} m_1 + m_2 = M_f + E_{\rm GW} \end{equation} where $m_1, m_2$ are the initial masses of the component black holes of the binary, $M_f$ is the final mass of the remnant black hole, and $E_{\rm GW}$ is the energy emitted in gravitational waves.

$E_{\rm GW}$ can be calculated in post-Newtonian theory (at least the contribution from the inspiral), and depends on the initial masses (if we are dealing with black holes, it is a homogenous function of $m_1$ and $m_2$). (More accurate estimates can be obtained with numerical relativity). For GW150914 (the first binary black hole system to be detected with gravitational waves), the energy emitted was about $3$ solar masses. Gravitational wave events are quite extraordinary; even though they are very difficult to detect, for a brief shining moment near the merger they outshine the entire electromagnetic spectrum with gravitational-wave power.

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