[Physics] EMF in capacitor circuits


In the right circuit in the attached picture, I am given a rectangular loop of wire which is situated so that one end (height $h$) is between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor, oriented parallel to the field $\vec{E}$. In a text I am using, it is then stated that

"The emf $\mathcal{E} = \oint \vec{E} \cdot dl = 0$ for all electrostatic fields. There is always a fringing field at the edges, and this evidently is just right to kill off the contribution from the left end of the loop. The current is zero."

Question: How is this different to the circuit on the left, where we also a capacitor which has been charged up to a potential $V_0$ at time $t = 0$ and begins to discharge (hence there is an emf and current). Is this not considered an electrostatic field which has a fringing field as well? Why is there an emf and current in the left circuit but not one in the right, what is the difference?

enter image description here


Best Answer

The integral $ \oint \vec{E} \cdot dl$ is zero for both the circuits.

Case 1

The integration path consists of the wire and the capacitor. Inside the capacitor there is a field, implying the integral is not zero and is the potential difference $V_0$. Hence for the total integral to be 0 , the integral over the wire is $-V_0$. Thus there is a potential difference between the ends of the wire and current flows.

Case 2

This time the entire wire is equivalent to the circuit. For any electric field the integral $ \int \vec{E} \cdot dl$ around a closed loop is 0 , and hence for a wire loop in an arbitrary electric field the integral or the potential difference between its ends is 0 implying no current.

The fringing field explanation is given in the text as a lot of people don't consider it and may incorrectly calculate the integral over the wire to be non zero. Field in a capacitor

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