Quantum Electrodynamics – EM Wave Function & Photon Wavefunction

mathematical physicsquantum-electrodynamicsquantum-field-theoryvisible-light

According to this review

Photon wave function. Iwo Bialynicki-Birula. Progress in Optics 36 V (1996), pp. 245-294. arXiv:quant-ph/0508202,

a classical EM plane wavefunction is a wavefunction (in Hilbert space) of a single photon with definite momentum (c.f section 1.4), although a naive probabilistic interpretation is not applicable. However, what I've learned in some other sources (e.g. Sakurai's Advanced QM, chap. 2) is that, the classical EM field is obtained by taking the expectation value of the field operator. Then according to Sakurai, the classical $E$ or $B$ field of a single photon state with definite momentum p is given by
$\langle p|\hat{E}(or \hat{B})|p\rangle$, which is $0$ in the whole space. This seems to contradict the first view, but both views make equally good sense to me by their own reasonings, so how do I reconcile them?

Best Answer

As explained by Iwo Bialynicki-Birula in the paper quoted, the Maxwell equations are relativistic equations for a single photon, fully analogous to the Dirac equations for a single electron. By restricting to the positive energy solutions, one gets in both cases an irreducible unitary representation of the full Poincare group, and hence the space of modes of a photon or electron in quantum electrodynamics.

Classical fields are expectation values of quantum fields; but the classically relevant states are the coherent states. Indeed, for a photon, one can associate to each mode a coherent state, and in this state, the expectation value of the e/m field results in the value of the field given by the mode.

For more details, see my lectures
and Chapter B2: Photons and Electrons of my theoretical physics FAQ.