[Physics] Elements and their plasma state


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I'm looking for a list of nearly all elements and the temperatures they can reach when in a state of plasma. It is for a project I am working on. However, there isn't a list on google.

Preferably one that is hot enough to survive a drop from orbit.

Best Answer

The reason why you won't find such a table on google, that there is no such temperature.

Plasma means that the electrons are freely moving around the ionized atoms of the gas. This causes many changes in its physical properties: the gas will be a conductor, it will interact with electromagnetic fields and so on.

To reach this, the mean kinetical energy of the atoms of the gas should be in the order of its first ionization energy (this is the energy what you need to tear away its first electron). For that, there are already tables on the google. It will be in electronvolt (eV). To convert it to temperature, as a rough estimation, you can use $1eV = 11000 K$.

In the gases (and in plasma), its particles are moving randomly, they don't have a fix speed (energy), rather an energy distribution. Its graph looks like this:

enter image description here

As you heat the gas, there will be more and more atoms in it where one (or more) of its electrons will be teared apart from them. To get a plasma-like state, it is enough if only a little part of the atoms are ionized. But there isn't a fix temperature point for that.

In practice, the temperature interval where the matter starts to behave as plasma is between 6000 - 10000 K.

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