Electromagnetic Field – Electromagnetic Field and Continuous Differentiable Vector Fields

calculuselectromagnetismmathematical physicsVector Fields

We have notions of derivative for a continuous and differentiable vector fields. The operations like curl,divergence etc. have well defined precise notions for these fields.

We know electrostatic and magneto static fields aren't actually well behaved. They blow up at the sources, have discontinuities and yet we use the same mathematical formulations for them as we would have done for continuous and differentiable vector field.

Why is this done ? Why are laws of electromagnetism(maxwell's equations) expressed in the so called differential forms when clearly that mathematical theory is not perfectly consistent with the electromagnetic field. Why not use a new mathematical structure ?

Is there a resource which can help me overcome these issues without handwaving at particular instances when the methods seem to give wrong results?

Also one of the major concerns is that, given a charge distributions, the maxwell equations in differential form, will always give a nicely behaved continuous and differentiable vector field solution. But the integral form (alone, not satisfying the differential form) can give a discontinuous solution as well. Leading to two different answers for the same configuration of charges. hence there is an inconsistency. Like there is an discontinuous solution for the boundary condition of 2D surface, the perpendicular component of the electric field is discontinuous. ( May be it is just an approximation) and actually the field is continuous but due to not being able to solve the differential equation we give such an approximation, but this isn't mentioned in the textbooks.

Best Answer

We have also the same notions of derivation, curl, etc... for functions that are less regular. When you write Maxwell's equations, you are writing a system of partial differential equations.

To investigate them, you have to specify the type of solution you look for (in the language of PDEs: classic, mild, weak...) and the functional space you set your theory in. A natural space for the electric and magnetic fields is $L^2(\mathbb{R}^3)$, because this is the energy space (where the energy $\int_{\mathbb{R}^3}(E(x)^2+B(x)^2)dx$ is defined). Also more regular subspaces, such as the Sobolev spaces with positive index, or bigger spaces as the Sobolev spaces with negative index are often considered.

These spaces rely on the concept of almost everywhere, i.e. they can behave badly, but only in a set of points with zero measure. Also, the Sobolev spaces generalize, roughly speaking, the concept of derivative. I suggest you take a look at some introductory course in PDEs and functional spaces. A standard reference may be the book by Evans, or also the monumental work by Hörmander.

Comment to the edit: it is not true that

the maxwell equations in differential form, will always give a nicely behaved continuous and differentiable vector field solution

Consider, e.g. the static equation \begin{equation*} \nabla\cdot E=\rho \; . \end{equation*} To investigate this equation, you have to give it a precise meaning. What are $E$ and $\rho$? Let's assume, as you said, that $\rho$ is some discontinuous function. Then it is quite strange to look for solutions of $E$ that are smooth and well behaved! We have mathematical objects that can behave even worse than discontinuous functions, and are called distributions. In particular, we are interested in the distributions dual to functions of rapid decrease, that are called $\mathscr{S}'(\mathbb{R}^3)$. Without entering into details, all functions in $L^p(\mathbb{R}^3)$, $1\leq p \leq \infty$ are distributions in $\mathscr{S}'$, as well as Dirac's delta function and its derivatives. And mathematically, it is perfectly legitimate to look at the divergence equation above in the sense of distributions: i.e. to search a distribution $E\in(\mathscr{S}'(\mathbb{R}^3))^3$ such that its distributional divergence $\nabla\cdot E \in \mathscr{S}'(\mathbb{R}^3)$ is equal to $\rho\in\mathscr{S}'(\mathbb{R}^3)$. Suppose that equation admits a solution, then this solution would not, in general, be a regular function, but a distribution. It may be, for example, a discontinuous function in $L^1$, or a sum of derivatives of the delta function.

Anyways, as I already wrote, it is necessary that you understand better the concept of Cauchy and boundary value problems for PDEs in functional spaces, and also the concept of classical, mild and weak solutions to understand fully the machinery behind Maxwell's equations, and the mathematical meaning of a solution for such a problem.

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