[Physics] Electric heating rod


I usually heat my bathing water with electric heating rod, I always thought that the base of rod is an insulator so that it can develop high heat. But when I tried touching water while rod was dipped in it, I got current, damn! Why that happened?
I am talking about this type of rod :enter image description here

Best Answer

This device looks like a inherently bad idea safety-wise, for the reason you found. I don't know what exactly is inside the handle, but you have to assume all it is doing is connecting wall power to a resistive heating element.

I imagine the outside of the heating element is intended to be insulated from everything else. (By the way, this has nothing at all do to with its ability to make heat. In fact, the heating element can't be made from a insulator else its resistance would be high and no heat would be generated.) Even if that insulation is intact and working, there could be some capacitive pickup from the input power to what appears to be a metal jacket of the heating element. This is what you may have felt.

However, if water got into the handle part, then all bets are off. It is probably sealed, at least enough to look sealed or pass some sort of test when new. I would be very careful to never let the handle part get wet anyways. Stuff happens. Does the power plug have two prongs or three? If three, maybe the metal jacket around the heating element is grounded. That would help in most cases, but can also make things worse in other cases.

Clearly something is already not right with this device if you felt a shock. I would ditch it, find a proper way to heat water, and move on. If think Murphy's law and the laws of physics don't apply to you, then at least only use this device on a circuit with a ground fault interruptor or with a separate isolation transformer.

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