Electrostatics – Electric Field Outside a Capacitor: Analysis and Explanation


I know that the electric field outside of a capacitor is zero and I know it is easy to calculate using Gauss's law. We create cylindrical envelope that holds the same amount of charges (of opposite signs) in each plate.

My question is why can't I pick an envelope which include only part of one of the plate? Gauss's law states, specifically, that I can pick any envelope I want.

Note: I have encountered this question a couple of years a go and I got an answer which I was not completely happy with.

Best Answer

Outside two infinite parallel plates with opposite charge the electric field is zero, and that can be proved with Gauss's law using any possible Gaussian surface imaginable. However, it might be extremely hard to show if you don't choose the Gaussian surface in a smart way.

The usual way you'd show that the electric field outside an infinite parallel-plate capacitor is zero, is by using the fact (derived using Gauss's law) that the electric field above an infinite plate, lying in the $xy$-plane for example, is given by $$ \vec{E}_1=\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0}\hat{k} $$ where $\sigma$ is the surface charge density of the plate. If you now put another plate with opposite charge, i.e. opposite $\sigma$, some distance below or above the first one, then that contributes its own electric field, $$ \vec{E}_2=-\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0}\hat{k} $$ in the region above it. Since the electric field obeys the principle of superposition, the net electric field above both plates is zero. The same happens below both plates, while between the plates the electric field is constant and nonzero.

Your way of doing it is a little more tricky, but again gives the same answer. For example, if you choose the Gaussian surface to have an hourglass shape with different radii for the two sides, then indeed the net charge enclosed is not zero. However, when you calculate the total electric flux through that surface, you have to be careful to realize that there is nonzero electric field between the two plates, and therefore there is a nonzero flux through the part of the Gaussian surface that lies between the plates. That flux, of course, has to be accounted for. Assuming that you know the electric field inside the capacitor, $\vec{E}_\text{inside}$, you can do the integral $\oint\vec{E}_\text{inside}\cdot d\vec{A}$ for such a Gaussian surface (it's not that hard actually), and you find that the flux through the part of the surface that lies between the plates is exactly equal to $q_{\text{enclosed}}/\epsilon_0$. Thus, the net flux through the part of the Gaussian surface that lies outside the plates has to be zero, proving, after a little thought, that the electric field outside the capacitor is zero.

The final answer for $\vec{E}$ never depends on the Gaussian surface used, but the way to get to it always does. That's why the Gaussian surface has to be chosen in a smart way, i.e. in a way that makes the calculation of $\oint\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A}$ easy.