[Physics] Electric field lines


If electric field lines cannot terminate in empty space, in the simple example of two equal charges what happens to the line starting from one of the charges toward the other in the middle?

Best Answer

There are in fact two field lines that depart each charge headed towards the other. These lines meet at the origin (the mid-point of the two charges), where the field is zero, and vanish there. There are also two other lines, which are born at the origin and depart along the vertical axis. Thus, formally, two lines go in and two lines go out, so no lines actually die in empty space.

These lines are actually a limiting case of lines that leave the point charges at a small angle $\epsilon$ from the intercharge axis; these lines make increasingly close approaches to the origin as $\epsilon\rightarrow0$, and then they shoot off to infinity, increasingly close to the vertical axis.

(If you're sharp, you'll notice there's actually an infinity of such lines, since there's also lines that go off perpendicularly to the screen and at any angle in between. Thus my "two-for-two" argument is not actually quite right. Can you see the limiting behaviour that makes it right?)

Pictures of this were relatively hard to find, but you can see them in this Wolfram web app: enter image description here

You also have to consider one key point: at the origin, the field is zero, so actually there should be no field lines through it. Or, more formally, the density of field lines should be zero. This comes about in that the angle $\epsilon$ should be really small for the lines to actually approach the origin. You should then plaster the diagram with lines leaving equiangularly at angle $\epsilon$ from each charge, and that will mean a lot of lines on the "outside" of the charges.

Ultimately, though, the lesson is that individual field lines are not that important, and it is the set of lines, equiangularly leaving the charges (in 3D!), that makes a physically relevant diagram. And even then, field line diagrams are only of limited utility in understanding electric fields, mostly because they only incorporate with the utmost difficulty the superposition principle, which is at the real heart of classical electromagnetism.