[Physics] Electric field inside coaxial cable


I have a very long coaxial cable with a cylindrical core of radius $a$ that has negative charge density $\rho = -k/r$ where $r$ is the distance from the axis of the cylinder, and an outer shell of radius $b$ that carries a positive surface density $\sigma$, chosen so that the net charge of the coaxial cable is 0.

a) How do I express $\sigma$ in terms of $k$, $a$, $b$? I was thinking of integrating to get the current, but once I have that I don't know where to go further.

b) What is the electric field for $r<a$ and $a<r<b$? I am trying to find the linear charge density for radius s from the axis like this: $\int_{0}^{s}-\frac{k}{r}*2\pi*r dr = -sk2\pi$ And then I would use Gauss' Law. This doesn't seem right to me though.

Best Answer

Let the length of the cylinder be $h$. To find the total charge on the core of radius $a$, first find the charge on a cylindrical shell of infinitesimal radius, $dr$:

$dq=\rho *2 \pi h r dr=-k*2 \pi h dr$

$q=\int_{0}^{a}{-k*2 \pi h dr}=-2 \pi hak$

Total charge on the outer cylinder $=\sigma * 2\pi bh$

Equate the two,

$\sigma * 2\pi bh=2 \pi hak$


You were mostly on the right path vis-à-vis solving b)

However, note that you are dealing with volume charge.

Using the same reasoning as above, the total charge inside the cylinder with $r<a = -2 \pi hrk$

Using Gauss' law, $\phi_e=\frac{q}{\epsilon_0}$

$\Rightarrow E*2\pi rh=-\frac{2 \pi hrk}{\epsilon_0}$

$\Rightarrow E=-\frac{k}{\epsilon_0}$

$\vec {E}= <\frac {-k}{\epsilon_0} \frac {x}{(x^2+y^2)^{\frac {1}{2}}}, \frac {-k}{\epsilon_0} \frac {y}{(x^2+y^2)^{\frac {1}{2}}},0>$

@ArtforLife 's statement:

for electrostatic case, the field for r < a must be zero if the inner core is a conductor. If it isn't, you can calculate using Gauss's law.

is redundant. If the cylinder had been a conductor, there wouldn't have been a volume charge density in the first place. All the charge would be on the surface.

When $a<r<b$, net $q$=$-2 \pi hak$


$\Rightarrow E*2\pi rh=-\frac{2 \pi hak}{\epsilon_0}$

$\Rightarrow E=-\frac{ak}{\epsilon_0 r}$

$\vec {E}= <\frac {-ak}{\epsilon_0} \frac {x}{(x^2+y^2)}, \frac {-ak}{\epsilon_0} \frac {y}{(x^2+y^2)},0>$