electrostatics – Electric Field at the surface of a conductor: detailed insights


It has been pointed out to me that the Electric field exactly on the surface of the conductor is conventionally taken to be $E=\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0}$; does this come from taking the midpoint of the $E$-field magnitudes before and after the location of the discontinuity (namely, the average of $E=0\hat{n}$ and E=$\frac{\sigma}{\epsilon_0}\hat{n}$? Similar to how the Heavyside function evaluated at 0 is sometimes taken to be 1/2 by convention? Is there any reason other than convention to assign the surface $E$-field as $E=\frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0}\hat{n}$?

Best Answer

The E field exactly on the surface in fact should be undefined, because there are surface charges.

But the E field is well-defined if you remove a small disk from the surface.

Let's call the E field due to the disk be $E_\text{disk}$ and the E field due to the other surface charges be $E_\text{other}$.

Then just above the surface


Just below the surface


And on the surface, $E_\text{disk}$ is undefined.

Now it is clear that $E_\text{other}$ is smooth across the surface and well-defined on the surface.

And because just above the surface


and just below the surface


it can deduced that


$E_\text{other}$ on the surface is hence $\sigma/2\epsilon_0$.

So the "E field on the surface" is in fact $E_\text{other}$, viz., the E field at the surface if you remove a small disk of surface charges from the surface, and is well-defined. It is also the E field experienced by that small disk of surface charges.