[Physics] Eigenvalues of momentum operator

eigenvaluehilbert-spacemomentumoperatorsquantum mechanics

I had a homework problem in my intro QM class, basically asking me to find which of a given set of functions were eigenfunctions of the momentum operator, $\hat{p_x}$. For example,

\psi_1 = Ae^{ik(x-a)}

which is an eigenfunction of $\hat{p_x}$, with eigenvalue of $\hbar k$. I had another function:

\psi_2 = A\cos(kx) + iA\sin(kx)

which is also an eigenfunction of $\hat{p_x}$, with eigenvalue of $\hbar k$.

Now this maybe a basic question, but I am aware that $p=\hbar k$, so both eigenvalues are just the momentum, $p$. But is it the case that for every one-dimensional function that I can think of: if that function is an eigenfunction of $\hat{p_x}$, the corresponding eigenvalue will be $\hbar k$? I feel like this sort of makes sense, but I can't quite see why. Can anyone perhaps elaborate on this?

Best Answer

The question as I understand it is asking "Why is the eigenvalue of the same form for all of the 1D eigenfunctions I can think of?".

The simple answer is that you can change the basis used to represent the eigenfunctions but the eigenvalue remains invariant under such transformations.

For example, consider

\begin{align} \hat{p} \psi = p\psi \end{align}

where $\psi=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\hbar}}\exp{ipx/\hbar}$ are the normalised momentum eigenfunctions in position representation, then apply some basis transformation so that $\psi'= \hat{U}\psi$ and $\hat{p}' = \hat{U}\hat{p}\hat{U}^{-1}$ then the eigenfunction equation becomes

\begin{align} \hat{U}\hat{p}\hat{U}^{-1}\psi' = p\hat{U}\hat{U}^{-1}\psi' = p\psi' \end{align}

Therefore, the eigenvalue remains the same under a change of basis i.e. there are multiple eigenfunctions with the same eigenvalue, as you describe in your question.