[Physics] Effect of aperture of source slit on the interference pattern observed in Young’s Double Slit experiment


The following describes the YDSE set-up:

Schemactic diagram for YDSE setup
The fringes formed on the screen have certain finite width which can be calculated on the basis of the following formula:

  • $$ \beta = \lambda*D/d $$
    \beta = Fringe..Width
    \lambda = Wavelength..of..light
    D= Distance..between.. the.. slits.. and.. the.. screen
    d= Distance.. between.. the.. two.. sources

This formula does not give any relation between the aperture of the primary source of light and the interference pattern.

My question is two part:

  1. Does changing the size of aperture effect the interference pattern?
  2. Is there a formula that describes the relation between the aperture and the interference pattern?

I tried to find answer on wikipedia and Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday, Robert Resnick, and Jearl Walker but couldn't find any.

I personally feel that it should not effect the interference pattern but I am not sure.

Thank you in advance

Best Answer

The width of the slit apertures does not affect the spacing of the fringes in the interference pattern, but it does affect the fringe contrast. In effect, the fringes in the interference pattern are blurred by an amount corresponding to the widths of the slit apertures.