[Physics] Does varying centripetal force produce circular motion


Centripetal force $\vec{F}$ is responsible for circular motion and is given by $$ \left|\vec{F}\right| = \dfrac{m\left|\vec{v}\right|^2}{r}$$

If the linear velocity $\vec{v}$ varies, the centripetal force also varies. Does this varying of centripetal force still produce circular motion? If so, why?

Now, come to the case of projectile motion. Projectile motion is almost like a circular motion. But one thing that prevented the projectile to follow circular motion was its linear(horizontal) velocity $\vec{v}$ which is small enough to make

$$\dfrac{m\left|\vec{v}\right|^2}{r} < mg$$

true, wasn't it? Thus it follows the parabolic path. But what would happen if we had $\dfrac{m\left|\vec{v}\right|^2}{r}> mg$ ?

Best Answer

The proper question should be "Can a varying centripetal force produce circular motion?" The answer is yes.

The (much-abused) expression $$m\frac{v^2}{r}$$ tells us what the instantaneous transverse (perpendicular) component of force must be in order for an object of mass $m$ must experience if it is travelling at instantaneous speed $v$ and is turning around an instantaneous center of curvature a distance $r$ away. It is not a force itself. It has force units, but it is the product of a mass times an acceleration. There must be some real forces which combine to result in the same net value as the product $m \times \frac{v^2}{r}$.

This is true every time the velocity of a particle changes direction.

If we apply it to circular motion, then $r$ is the radius of a circle. If we apply it to elliptical or parabolic or hyperbolic motion, then $r$ is constantly changing. If we apply it to straight line motion, then $r\rightarrow \infty$.

Back to circular motion, we can now write $${\large\Sigma}F_r=-m\frac{v^2}{r}.$$

This must be true instantaneously during every moment because the velocity direction is always changing. (The minus sign shows that the net force must be toward the center. Positive radial direction in polar coordinates is traditionally away from the center. This is important when considering a mixture of forces, some of which might, by themselves, pull the object away from the center.)

For uniform circular motion, the speed is constant, so the magnitude of the radial component of the net force must be constant. Notice that we could have two or more changing forces which still produce uniform circular motion as long as the net tangential component is zero (no speed change) and the net radial component adds up to $mv^2/r$ toward the center.

For non-uniform circular motion, we still have a constant $r$, but the speed is changing. That means that the radial component of the net force must change. How can this happen? Consider a mass attached to a string, swinging in vertical circle with non-constant speed. The mass moves fast at the bottom and slows down, but stays on the circular path at the top. The gravitational pull on the mass is constant from the Earth-bound reference frame. But it is not always a radial force. That means that the tension magnitude in the string must be changing in such a way that the net radial component always has a magnitude toward the center of $mv^2/r$.

If we define $\theta$ to be the angle measured from a vertical line passing through the center, with $\theta=0$ being at the bottom of the circle, then $$mg\cos\theta-F_\text{ten}=-m\frac{v^2}{r}$$

$$F_\text{ten}=m\left(g\cos\theta+\frac{v_{\theta}^2}{r}\right)$$ where $v_{\theta}$ is the speed at angle position $\theta$ (not the angular speed). We also know that the tension force will not affect the speed (it acts perpendicularly to the velocity), but the gravity force will change the speed like $$\frac{1}{2}mv_\text{bottom}^2=\frac{1}{2}mv_{\theta}^2 + mgr(1-\cos\theta).$$

From there it's an algebraic exercise to show that the tension force must change, and that there is a minimum required speed at the bottom for the mass to stay on the vertical circle.

Summary: for non-uniform circular motion, the radial magnitude of the net force must change, and it can.