[Physics] Does total energy in SHM depend on frequency


I have read that in case of mass spring system max. energy is given by $\frac{1}{2}kX_o^2$. According to this formula energy depends on spring constant and amplitude. But are there any other factors on which it depends? Specifically frequency? I asked someone who said it does but I don't get it how? It is not even mentioned in the formula.
And in case of pendulum, what are the factors on which total energy depends? The simple formula is $mgh$ but somewhere I read the formula $mgL (1-\cos\theta)$. Does length of pendulum really play a role here or is it just $\theta$ that determines the value of total energy?
Please explain with formulas if possible.

Best Answer

For a mass on a spring SHM, you can write the total energy as: $$E_{tot} = \frac{1}{2}kX_o^2=\frac{1}{2}m \omega^2 X_o^2$$ Because, $\omega=\sqrt\frac{k}{m}$ which rearranges to $k=m\omega^2$, as physics101 commented.

So the total energy depends on the spring constant, the mass, the frequency, and the amplitude. But you don't see them all in the formula at the same time because they are dependent on one another. Specifically, you can determine the spring constant from the mass and frequency.

For the case of a simple pendulum, I will write the total energy as $$E_{tot} = mgL(1-\cos{\theta_o})$$ Where $\theta_o$ is the amplitude. This formula comes from considering the energy of the pendulum when $\theta=\theta_o$, when all of the energy is gravitational potential energy. You could also write $E_{tot}=mgh$, where $h=L(1-\cos{\theta_o})$. Again, to get this in terms of frequency, look at the equation for the frequency of this type of simple harmonic oscillator. For a simple pendulum in the small-angle approximation: $$\omega=\sqrt\frac{g}{L}$$ Where $g$ is the acceleration due to gravity, and $L$ is the length of the string. Rearranging this gives $$g=L\omega^2$$ and so: $$E_{tot}=mL^2\omega^2(1-\cos{\theta_o})$$

In both of these cases, the total energy depends on frequency, but its role is somewhat "hidden" by the typical way we write the formulae.

For your second question, yes the length of the string does play a role in the energy of a pendulum. Compare two pendulums with equal masses and amplitudes ($\theta_o$), but with different length strings. The mass of the pendulum with the longer string will move up farther against gravity, granting it a larger maximum gravitational potential energy when it comes to rest at $\theta=\theta_o$. By conservation of energy, its total energy will be equal to this number, and will therefore also be larger than the pendulum with a short string.

Again, you could change your equation for total energy to eliminate $L$ (just as we removed the dependence on $k$ and $g$ before) but that doesn't mean those parameters don't play a role, the role is just hidden.

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