[Physics] Does the Uncertainty Principle really rule out the existence of definite trajectory of electrons

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Excerpt from my textbook

It is impossible to determine simultaneously, the exact position and exact momentum (or velocity) of an electron.

It rules out the existence of definite trajectories of electrons and other similar particles.

Ok, so we cannot know the exact position and velocity of an electron at any instant. But how does this conclude that electrons don't follow definite paths.

Isn't the fact that we need light to reflect off something in order to see it, merely a limitation on our part, a limitation of human eye?

To observe an electron, we need to illuminate it with "light" or electromagnetic radiation. The "light" used must have a wavelength smaller than the dimensions of an electron. The high momentum photons of such light would change the energy of electrons by collisions. We would be able to calculate the position of the electron but we would know very little about its velocity after collision.

This might seem like a silly question, in fact I don't know much about Quantum mechanics. My textbook goes over these topics vaguely.

It would be helpful if the answer would be in simple words and not in terms of mathematical equations.

Best Answer

Yes it does. There is a common misunderstanding of the uncertainty principle as our own lack of knowledge. When you read poor descriptions like "it is impossible to determine the momentum and position at the same time", you may interpret "impossible" as a limitation of our knowledge or tools. It is not. The uncertainty principle means that the electron DOES NOT HAVE the exact position and exact momentum at the same time. No matter how great the tools are, you cannot measure what is not there to measure.

Why? Simple. Particles interact with each other as particles, but between interactions they fly as waves. For example, if you send an electron through a screen with two slits, it will pass through both at the same time. Look up the double slit experiment for more information.

This is called particle/wave dualism that describes the nature of our reality. Particles are not microscopic "balls". Particles are waves that only interact with each other like "balls" when they meet. Quantum mechanics is also is known as wave mechanics, as it describes particles as wave functions with quantum properties.