Quantum Mechanics – Does the Uncertainty Principle Apply to Photons? Exploring Heisenberg’s Principle

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Wikipedia claims the following:

More generally, the normal concept of a Schrödinger probability wave function cannot be applied to photons. Being massless, they cannot be localized without being destroyed; technically, photons cannot have a position eigenstate and, thus, the normal Heisenberg uncertainty principle does not pertain to photons.


We can localize electrons to arbitrarily high precision, but can we do the same for photons? Several sources say "no." See eq. 3.49 for an argument that says, in so many words, that if we could localize photons then we could define a current density which doesn't exist. (Or something like that, I'll admit I don't fully understand.)

It's the above question that I'd like clarification on.

Best Answer

The relation $p={h\over \lambda}$ applies to photons, it has nothing to do with the uncertainty principle. The issue is localizing the photons, finding out where the are at any given time.

The position operator for a photon is not well defined in any usual sense, because the photon position does not evolve causally, the photon can go back in time. The same issue occurs with any relativistic particle when you try to localize it in a region smaller than its Compton wavelength. The Schrodinger position representation is only valid for nonrelativistic massive particles.

There are two resolutions to this, which are complementary. The standard way out it to talk about quantum fields, and deal with photons as excitations of the quantum field. Then you never talk about localizing photons in space.

The second method is to redefine the position of a photon in space-time rather than in space at one time, and to define the photon trajectory as a sum over forward and backward in time paths. This definition is fine in perturbation theory, where it is an interpretation of Feynman's diagrams, but it is not clear that it is completely correct outside of perturbation theory. I tend to think it is fine outside of perturbation theory too, but others disagree, and the precise nonperturbative particle formalism is not completely worked out anywhere, and it is not certain that it is fully consistent (but I believe it is).

In the perturbative formalism, to create a space-time localized photon with polarization $\epsilon$, you apply the free photon field operator $\epsilon\cdot A$ at a given space time point. The propagator is then the sum over all space-time paths of a particle action. The coincidence between two point functions and particle-paths This is the Schwinger representation of Feynman's propagator, and it is also implicit in Feynman's original work. This point of view is downplayed in quantum field theory books, which tend to emphasize the field point of view.

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