[Physics] Does the resonance frequency of a cantilever beam depend on whether it is bending in-plane


What is the in-plane resonance frequency equation for a single-beam cantilever of rectangular cross-section that is fixed on one end and has a mass M attached to the other end?

Below are the only equations that I was able to find and they came from this site:

$f = \frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{k}{M + \rho \cdot t \cdot w \cdot l}}$

$k = \frac{E \cdot w \cdot t^3}{4 \cdot l^3}$

  • f = Resonance frequency (Hz)
  • M = Mass added to the cantilever's free end (kg)
  • $\rho$ = Density of the material that the cantilever is made of (kg/$m^3$)
  • t = Thickenss of cantilever (m)
  • w = Width of cantilever (m)
  • l = Length of cantilever (m)
  • E = Elastic modulus or Young's modulus (kg/$m \cdot s^2$)

The problem is that the site author never stated if these were the equations for in-plane or out-of-plane motion and I couldn't make a deduction based on the provided context; the equations should differ, correct?

Best Answer

If you rearrange the formula to use the beam's moment of inertia, then it is fairly obvious is applies to out-of-plane bending, just like formulas for static deflection.

This also makes the formula applicable to any beam cross section, not just a rectangle!

For your rectangular beam, $I = wt^3/12$. Rearrange the formula to use $EI$ instead of the explicit references to $w$ and $t$.

For bending in the other plane, you just have $I = w^3t/12$, of course.

(Note: I seem to have "in plane" and "out of plane" the other way round from Mohan's answer. I'm not going to argue about which is correct - they are not terms that I would normally use anyway! Every beam cross section has two principal axes, defining two planes - arbitrarily choosing one of them and then calling the two directions "in plane" and "out of plane" doesn't seem very logical to me.)