[Physics] Does the phase difference between voltage and current in an LCR circuit exist throughout the circuit


I know that in an purely inductive circuit the current lags behind voltage by $90^o$, in a purely capacitive circuit vice-versa and in an LCR circuit the current may lag or gain with respect to voltage depending on the value of capacitance and inductance. But, does this phase difference exist throughout the circuit?

To clarify what I'm asking consider the figure below. Assume the circuit is not in resonance and their is some phase difference. But, does the same phase difference exist between the current and voltage across the resistor? Can I find the same phase difference between them if I take any point in the circuit?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Well the condition will be different for each component. Resonance doesn't matter. The current must obviously be identical in all three series elements. The Voltage across the resistance will be in phase with that current, and the Voltage across the capacitance must lag the current by 90 degrees, while the Voltage across the inductance must lead the current by 90 degrees. This makes the inductance and capacitance Voltages 180 degrees out of phase. At resonance they will be equal and opposite, so they cancel leaving just the whole source Voltage across the resistance.

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