[Physics] Does the density of ice increase further when it is further cooled

densityicephase diagramtemperaturethermodynamics

As we know, water becomes ice at $0^°$C.
After becoming ice, if we lower the temperature further ($<0^°$C), then does the density of ice increase further?
If yes, in that case, does the volume decrease?

Best Answer

After becoming ice, if we lower the temperature further($<0^°$C), then does the density of ice increase further? If yes, in that case, does the volume decrease?

From Density Anomalies of Water , we learn that the density variation of water with temperature varies in the following way:

enter image description here

Therefore, the density of water will stray away from its maximum density as it is cooled. The temperature below $0^°$C at which it will be the closest to the maximum density (at $4^o$C) is, well, $0^°$C because the packing of the molecules will not become any tighter. As can be seen, as you lower the temperature in the ice region, the density of water get increases which leads to the contraction of ice (Note there is a discontinuity at the point of phase change). For the volume which is inversely proportional to density, things go another way around. For a detailed discussion of the peculiar nature of water see here,here

Edit :

A better picture which shows the discontinuity during the phase transition: enter image description here

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