[Physics] Does the ceiling fan make the air and dust spiral in

fluid dynamicsnewtonian-mechanics

Does the rotation of ceiling fan makes air circulate in a spiral, circular motion beneath the radius of fan or the air from outside is also mixed with it and replaces the air in room?

A specific example would be room filled with smoke or else, does ceiling fan clears it by throwing the smoke + air mixture out or does it keep circulating the air. Given the windows are open and no wind is blowing outside in any direction.

Best Answer

A ceiling fan pushes air downward, (or sucks it upward depending on the rotation direction), creating flow streamlines in the shape of a torus (the size of the room).

Basically then, the window is a cavity that has a flow moving past it. If the indoor air is moving vertically fast enough, there will be turbulent mixing between the inside/outside air. Just like when you open your car window while driving: the faster you drive, the more turbulent the mixing becomes, and the better the inside/outside air will exchange before being recirculated through the room.