Lagrangian Formalism – Do the Action and Lagrangian Have Identical Symmetries and Conserved Quantities?


From the book Introduction to Classical Mechanics With Problems and Solutions by David Morin, page 236 states:

Noether's Theorem: For each symmetry of the Lagrangian, there is a conserved quantity.

Whereas the Wikipedia page states:

Noether's (first) theorem states that any differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law

Does the action and Lagrangian have identical symmetries and conserved quantities?

Best Answer

Yes, provided one uses the correct notions of symmetry for the action and the lagrangian.

The setup.

We assume throughout that the action can be written as the integral of a local Lagrangian. Namely, let $\mathcal C$ be the configuration space of the system, then for any admissible path $q:[t_a, t_b]\to \mathcal C$, there exists a local function $L$ of paths such that \begin{align} S[q] = \int_{t_a}^{t_b} dt \,L_q(t). \end{align} Let a smooth, $\epsilon$-deformation $q(t) \to \hat q(t, \epsilon)$ of paths be given. We will use the $\delta$ notation for first order changes in quantities under such a deformation.

Symmetry defined.

We say that this deformation is a symmetry of the action $S$ provided there exists a local function of paths $B_q$ such that \begin{align} \delta S[q] = B_q(t_b) - B_q(t_a) \end{align} for all admissible paths $q:[t_a, t_b]\to \mathcal C$. In other words, the action only changes to first order by a boundary term. We say that this deformation is a symmetry (or what Qmechanic calls a quasisymmetry in his response) of the Lagrangian $L$ provided there exists a local function $\Lambda_q$ of paths such that \begin{align} \delta L_q(t) = \frac{d\Lambda_q}{dt}(t) \end{align} for all admissible paths $q:[t_a, t_b]\to \mathcal C$. In other words, the lagrangian only changes to first order up to a total derivative.

Equivalence of notions of symmetry.

Using these definitions, one can show that a given deformation is a symmetry of $S$ if and only if it is a symmetry of $L$.

Notice that for any deformation, and for any admissible path $q:[t_a, t_b]\to \mathcal C$, one has \begin{align} \delta S[q] = \int_{t_a}^{t_b} dt\,\delta L_q(t) \end{align} Suppose now, that a given deformation is a symmetry of $S$, and let a path $q:[t_a, t_b]\to\mathcal C$ be given. For each $t\in [t_a, t_b]$ we have \begin{align} \int_{t_a}^{t} dt'\,\delta L_{q}(t') = B_{q}(t) -B_{q}(t_a), \end{align} Since the deformation is a symmetry of $S$. Taking the derivative of both sides with respect to $t$, and using the fundamental theorem of calculus on the left, we obtain \begin{align} \delta L_q(t) = \dot B_q(t) \end{align} for all $t\in[t_a, t_b]$. Identifying $B$ with $\Lambda$, we find that the deformation is a symmetry of the lagrangian.

I'll leave the converse to you.